Wow a lot has happened since I last bloggerised. One of the most crucial factors being that I got a new "unbuggered" keyboard which is very nice and erganomic and that :)
Well anyway for this midweek Blog I'm going to describe the many happenings of my Half Term thus far.
Friday: Twas own clothes day which made a nice change although its more fun when I have a film trip as then I'm the only one with non uniform, Well apart from Stewie. The day went well enough. Of course I had to work in the evening which was a bugger as always but it was the precursor to my end game on Friday when I walk out for good. After work I went to Pickhurst Green where I met with Matt, Tom, Fiona, Nick Staines, Becca (or "It" as I call her), Chris Champ and Nick's rather tall friend Rob. All in all the night was a bit rubbish as there wasn't much drink to be had, some chavs egged Chris and Matt which was very annoying! and Tom got pissed off for some reason so I was kind of stuck in the middle of things and got annoyed and stormed off home.
Saturday: Things started slowly and got better and better as the day went on. The first order of the day was the SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS MOVIE! Me, Matt, Tom and Fiona went to Beckenham cinema to view the legendary Sponge at his best. This was not without drama though as we almost missed it due to the lateness of Tom getting ready but all was fine in the end. The movie was STUPENDOUS. It was like the show but with better effects and some brilliant moments. Me and Matt were so exited at the beginning (which involved PIRATES!!!!) we held hands. The next order of buisiness was Steves party which has been well documented by all. In my opinion it was a brilliant party. There was so much drink there, which I wasn't expecting. The only bad point was when Chavs tried to gate crash but were seen off by me, Chris Steve, Nick Snipp, Tom and Steves Dad. Though one of our diologues highlighted the true stupidity of Chavs;
Nick: ......Yeah cos it must be your birthday soon you look like you're gonna be turning 12 soon.
Chav 1 (quite tall skinny build with a hoody on): errr theres no need to take the piss blad.
Nick: Yeah well why don't you go away you can't come in its invite only
Me: Yeah theres no need to be so provocative
Chav 2 (small skinny wearing a baseball cap and smoking some kind of cigarette): Errrr whats provocative even mean........
well need I say more.
Sunday: I woke up at 7.30 and hurridly got ready for work which was in half an hours time. This was my last day of all day work which was quite a relief. What was also good was the cool people were in charge so the day was quite relaxed. That was now behind me. I went straight out after to go to The smoke filled dive which is the Cartoon, for Chris was to perform there. In my opinion his performance was great as they his band seem to be steadily improving as they continue. They did a really good version of "Killing in the name of" as well as "The chronicals of Humpty Dumpty". After everyone had finished at about 10.30 we went back to Chris' house, although me and Nick Staines stopped on the way for a kebab. At Chris' we watched Ricky Gervais "Politics", which was also good.
Here are some pictures of the Night......

I enjoyed a tasty bevarage in style at the Cartoon. Water through a pink straw. BOOSH!

Another picture of a sceptical Rob. He's probably seen something obscene like "it" cavorting Naked or something (I'm just off to throw up)

Fun with a silly hat then ensued.

Then Chris joined in

As did Chapman
Monday: This proved to be the most lothargic day of the week so far as throughout most of the day I didn't really do anything at all during the day and was bored. I decieded then in the evening to act upon the fact that my Dad and Brother were out by having Matt Tom Rob Outram and Emily, Nick Staines and Stewie over for drinks and laughs. We spent most of the time watching TV like Black Books and Team America. Then "Look around you" came on. My brother soon returned but this turned out to be a good thing as he brought HELIUM FUN. As we all know slightly tipsy teenagers and Helium voices mix beautifully (If only we had some gerbils). We then engaged in intellectual conversation about things like the girls who attend our school and the relationships which seem to have failed. We then started freaking each other out by talking about "it". I'll stop here as what was spoken about carries a heavy health warning. Rob Emily and Nick left first and left me Matt Tom and Stewie so we decieded to get a kebab. Unfortunantly at this point Matts parents phoned him and he got and earful for being drunk. This prompted his and Toms leaving after we had attained the goat meat filled pitta which we had so badly craved. Stewie remained a bit to talk and soon left leaving me on my own.
Tuesday: Met up with Stewie and Dan at West Wickham and we set off with John to Elmers End where we met Dave and got a Tram to Croyden. We ended up near Ikea where the cinema and bowling place lies. We booked the lane and went straight to see "Meet the Fockers" which I enjoyed with Nachos which were surprisingly good. The film I thought was very funny and definatly on par with the first film.
We then moved on to Bowling.....

As you can see from this early score I was destined to lose badly with not even a spare to my name in the first game!!!

Dan celebrates his victory

Here John thinks hes on to a winner

Sadly it wasn't to be

Dan as you can see was a bit worried by Johns violent reaction

Luckly John wasn't being serious

John was still fiercly determined and charged all his energy

It paid off as he scored a strike

So he tried this trick again

A style of celebration unique to Steve

I was Victorious in the second game yipee

Heres the customary group picture.
It had been a good albeit expensive day.
Wednesday: Today we had another Duds trip to London town. Ah I did merrily skip down to the station to meet with Dan but he was initially no where to be seen. I eventually got tired of waiting and gave him a ring. He was waiting on the platform with Louis TYPICAL! I was in for a shock too when I found that I had to pay £6 for a travelcard. This diologue then ensued.
Dave: £6 but its after 9.30 are you sure its that much?
John the grumpy ticket meister: (almost as if this was the most idiotica and ignorant question he had ever heard) YES if it were before 9.30 I would have charged you £10 bah!
Dave: Ok
JTGTM: heres you're ticket!
What a fat bastard! I mean its not my fault I don't know all of the ticket prices and had forgotton that prices were raised after January.
Anyway that was that. I then got the train yadahyadah. Anyway we arrived at London Bridge and we had coffee :D and I had me a cookie which was small expensive but damn tasty.
Lewis duly arrived and we headed for the "London Dungeon"

Here is a terrible pic of the "scary sign" oooh its giving me the chills.

We then saw this lovely Ferrari 911 from the queue (or something like that Dan will know for sure)

Whilst we were still waiting in this rather slow, quite lengthy queue John was insensed when he saw some people (including small chavettes) trying to queue-jump and made known his disatisfaction

I too was a tad peeved with this very uncouth method and decieded to ponder their ironic demise (like a queue for a cliff or something)
We finally got inside to get our tickets and picture taken (no they don't give you a choice which is quite clever from a business prospective)

Whilst we were waiting to get to the main tour I had this particually evil pic of me taken. One with which all my enemies will know soon muahahahahahahaha!
We then finally started the tour and I must say it wasn't too bad. I did once pay the price for trying to cleverly whisper something to Dave whilst A "tourturer" was talking. He sat me down in his "chair of pain" and showed off various nasty tecniques of tourture. The tour continued with clever quips from the "cast". I must say their acting was a bit heavy handed and made it more comedy than horror.

On the way out I spotted this little innuendo (Phnarr Phnarr)
We then made our way to Embankment for Lunch. Today we were visiting Sub-Way where they sell fairly priced, Freshly made, big sandwiches. I thought that this was an excellent way to enjoy lunch and I hope to eat there again. Dan and Lewis ridiculed Jon as he attempted to eat his rather messy Meatball Sub.
We then walked across the road to the big Cleopatra Needle on the Thames Bank.

A picture of the Houses of Parliament and the London Eye.

This here was a Sphinx that Steve affectionatly named Bob.

A picture of the Needle itself.

A group picture

Another group photo but this time featuring me

Yet another, although a lot more proactive

Me Steve and Lewis then attmpted to climb this amazing structure but did'nt get far
We then made our way along the North Bank toward Parliament

On the way I saw this which isn't funny on its own unless you know what the name of the coach firm was parked directly next to it

Need I say more

A landmark from London which not even most Americans miss (god we're such tourists)

Dan was overjoyed to see this. As far as his car spotting escapade had been concerned today had been a red letter day.

This really emphasises what a magnificent structure St Stevens tower really is.
We then went to the park next to Parliament to film the Juggle Rap as well as many other silly things which will soon be available on DVD. If you wish to buy it contact John.

We then went for more coffee. (It had burned me out by the time I had returned home)
We then decieded to head home after this and went back to Charing Cross

But I did stop to capture this rather smarmy advert for Axa investments. The first quote on the first side of this big advert says "If I'm a millionaire by the time I'm 25 I'll eat my hat" then on the otherside there is this. Blah what if they don't have hats
We then got on the train back to Bromley-land. But on the way admired the now complete Juggle Rap. Ooh it looks damn good. As did the rest of the Stuff. I was horrified to see when some rather loud Chavettes and Chavs sat opposite us and started trying towards the end to talk to us and we plain ignored them. Bloody provocative (hah) twats.
And thats the low down so far. I don't know if a great deal more is gonna happen this week but I'm sure as hell you'll know about it if I do anything.
Peace out Playas (For now)
Well anyway for this midweek Blog I'm going to describe the many happenings of my Half Term thus far.
Friday: Twas own clothes day which made a nice change although its more fun when I have a film trip as then I'm the only one with non uniform, Well apart from Stewie. The day went well enough. Of course I had to work in the evening which was a bugger as always but it was the precursor to my end game on Friday when I walk out for good. After work I went to Pickhurst Green where I met with Matt, Tom, Fiona, Nick Staines, Becca (or "It" as I call her), Chris Champ and Nick's rather tall friend Rob. All in all the night was a bit rubbish as there wasn't much drink to be had, some chavs egged Chris and Matt which was very annoying! and Tom got pissed off for some reason so I was kind of stuck in the middle of things and got annoyed and stormed off home.
Saturday: Things started slowly and got better and better as the day went on. The first order of the day was the SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS MOVIE! Me, Matt, Tom and Fiona went to Beckenham cinema to view the legendary Sponge at his best. This was not without drama though as we almost missed it due to the lateness of Tom getting ready but all was fine in the end. The movie was STUPENDOUS. It was like the show but with better effects and some brilliant moments. Me and Matt were so exited at the beginning (which involved PIRATES!!!!) we held hands. The next order of buisiness was Steves party which has been well documented by all. In my opinion it was a brilliant party. There was so much drink there, which I wasn't expecting. The only bad point was when Chavs tried to gate crash but were seen off by me, Chris Steve, Nick Snipp, Tom and Steves Dad. Though one of our diologues highlighted the true stupidity of Chavs;
Nick: ......Yeah cos it must be your birthday soon you look like you're gonna be turning 12 soon.
Chav 1 (quite tall skinny build with a hoody on): errr theres no need to take the piss blad.
Nick: Yeah well why don't you go away you can't come in its invite only
Me: Yeah theres no need to be so provocative
Chav 2 (small skinny wearing a baseball cap and smoking some kind of cigarette): Errrr whats provocative even mean........
well need I say more.
Sunday: I woke up at 7.30 and hurridly got ready for work which was in half an hours time. This was my last day of all day work which was quite a relief. What was also good was the cool people were in charge so the day was quite relaxed. That was now behind me. I went straight out after to go to The smoke filled dive which is the Cartoon, for Chris was to perform there. In my opinion his performance was great as they his band seem to be steadily improving as they continue. They did a really good version of "Killing in the name of" as well as "The chronicals of Humpty Dumpty". After everyone had finished at about 10.30 we went back to Chris' house, although me and Nick Staines stopped on the way for a kebab. At Chris' we watched Ricky Gervais "Politics", which was also good.
Here are some pictures of the Night......

I enjoyed a tasty bevarage in style at the Cartoon. Water through a pink straw. BOOSH!

Another picture of a sceptical Rob. He's probably seen something obscene like "it" cavorting Naked or something (I'm just off to throw up)

Fun with a silly hat then ensued.

Then Chris joined in

As did Chapman
Monday: This proved to be the most lothargic day of the week so far as throughout most of the day I didn't really do anything at all during the day and was bored. I decieded then in the evening to act upon the fact that my Dad and Brother were out by having Matt Tom Rob Outram and Emily, Nick Staines and Stewie over for drinks and laughs. We spent most of the time watching TV like Black Books and Team America. Then "Look around you" came on. My brother soon returned but this turned out to be a good thing as he brought HELIUM FUN. As we all know slightly tipsy teenagers and Helium voices mix beautifully (If only we had some gerbils). We then engaged in intellectual conversation about things like the girls who attend our school and the relationships which seem to have failed. We then started freaking each other out by talking about "it". I'll stop here as what was spoken about carries a heavy health warning. Rob Emily and Nick left first and left me Matt Tom and Stewie so we decieded to get a kebab. Unfortunantly at this point Matts parents phoned him and he got and earful for being drunk. This prompted his and Toms leaving after we had attained the goat meat filled pitta which we had so badly craved. Stewie remained a bit to talk and soon left leaving me on my own.
Tuesday: Met up with Stewie and Dan at West Wickham and we set off with John to Elmers End where we met Dave and got a Tram to Croyden. We ended up near Ikea where the cinema and bowling place lies. We booked the lane and went straight to see "Meet the Fockers" which I enjoyed with Nachos which were surprisingly good. The film I thought was very funny and definatly on par with the first film.
We then moved on to Bowling.....

As you can see from this early score I was destined to lose badly with not even a spare to my name in the first game!!!

Dan celebrates his victory

Here John thinks hes on to a winner

Sadly it wasn't to be

Dan as you can see was a bit worried by Johns violent reaction

Luckly John wasn't being serious

John was still fiercly determined and charged all his energy

It paid off as he scored a strike

So he tried this trick again

A style of celebration unique to Steve

I was Victorious in the second game yipee

Heres the customary group picture.
It had been a good albeit expensive day.
Wednesday: Today we had another Duds trip to London town. Ah I did merrily skip down to the station to meet with Dan but he was initially no where to be seen. I eventually got tired of waiting and gave him a ring. He was waiting on the platform with Louis TYPICAL! I was in for a shock too when I found that I had to pay £6 for a travelcard. This diologue then ensued.
Dave: £6 but its after 9.30 are you sure its that much?
John the grumpy ticket meister: (almost as if this was the most idiotica and ignorant question he had ever heard) YES if it were before 9.30 I would have charged you £10 bah!
Dave: Ok
JTGTM: heres you're ticket!
What a fat bastard! I mean its not my fault I don't know all of the ticket prices and had forgotton that prices were raised after January.
Anyway that was that. I then got the train yadahyadah. Anyway we arrived at London Bridge and we had coffee :D and I had me a cookie which was small expensive but damn tasty.
Lewis duly arrived and we headed for the "London Dungeon"

Here is a terrible pic of the "scary sign" oooh its giving me the chills.

We then saw this lovely Ferrari 911 from the queue (or something like that Dan will know for sure)

Whilst we were still waiting in this rather slow, quite lengthy queue John was insensed when he saw some people (including small chavettes) trying to queue-jump and made known his disatisfaction

I too was a tad peeved with this very uncouth method and decieded to ponder their ironic demise (like a queue for a cliff or something)
We finally got inside to get our tickets and picture taken (no they don't give you a choice which is quite clever from a business prospective)

Whilst we were waiting to get to the main tour I had this particually evil pic of me taken. One with which all my enemies will know soon muahahahahahahaha!
We then finally started the tour and I must say it wasn't too bad. I did once pay the price for trying to cleverly whisper something to Dave whilst A "tourturer" was talking. He sat me down in his "chair of pain" and showed off various nasty tecniques of tourture. The tour continued with clever quips from the "cast". I must say their acting was a bit heavy handed and made it more comedy than horror.

On the way out I spotted this little innuendo (Phnarr Phnarr)
We then made our way to Embankment for Lunch. Today we were visiting Sub-Way where they sell fairly priced, Freshly made, big sandwiches. I thought that this was an excellent way to enjoy lunch and I hope to eat there again. Dan and Lewis ridiculed Jon as he attempted to eat his rather messy Meatball Sub.
We then walked across the road to the big Cleopatra Needle on the Thames Bank.

A picture of the Houses of Parliament and the London Eye.

This here was a Sphinx that Steve affectionatly named Bob.

A picture of the Needle itself.

A group picture

Another group photo but this time featuring me

Yet another, although a lot more proactive

Me Steve and Lewis then attmpted to climb this amazing structure but did'nt get far
We then made our way along the North Bank toward Parliament

On the way I saw this which isn't funny on its own unless you know what the name of the coach firm was parked directly next to it

Need I say more

A landmark from London which not even most Americans miss (god we're such tourists)

Dan was overjoyed to see this. As far as his car spotting escapade had been concerned today had been a red letter day.

This really emphasises what a magnificent structure St Stevens tower really is.
We then went to the park next to Parliament to film the Juggle Rap as well as many other silly things which will soon be available on DVD. If you wish to buy it contact John.

We then went for more coffee. (It had burned me out by the time I had returned home)
We then decieded to head home after this and went back to Charing Cross

But I did stop to capture this rather smarmy advert for Axa investments. The first quote on the first side of this big advert says "If I'm a millionaire by the time I'm 25 I'll eat my hat" then on the otherside there is this. Blah what if they don't have hats
We then got on the train back to Bromley-land. But on the way admired the now complete Juggle Rap. Ooh it looks damn good. As did the rest of the Stuff. I was horrified to see when some rather loud Chavettes and Chavs sat opposite us and started trying towards the end to talk to us and we plain ignored them. Bloody provocative (hah) twats.
And thats the low down so far. I don't know if a great deal more is gonna happen this week but I'm sure as hell you'll know about it if I do anything.
Peace out Playas (For now)
That Juggle Rap was great :)
'Twas an excellent day out. I'm looking forward to the juggle rap Jon.