An aMUSEing night (and other short stories)

For those of you who don't understand what my title is on about i shall explain. I went to see MUSE the other night, having waited for a few months to see it.
Our story begins on sunday night at Bromley south station. We (Me Matt Tom Rob Outram Rob Guest Nick and Chris Champion) all met up ready for some heavy Rockin'

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As you can see, we were all quite exited to say the least.

We then got a Train to Victoria and got the tube to Earls Court. This was absolutly jam packed, then again this was the first concert I'd ever been to so it was bound to seem weird. We were sorted through the crowds by the crowd control and made our way up to our seats.

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Here is the view from where I was sitting (you could see MUSE quite easily plus there were screens to get a better view of the action.)

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Heres the whole crazy crew from their seats.

Soon enough the first support band was up. They were a small band called Soulwax. They wern't very impressive in my opinion. Then came the Zutons who were infinatly better although not very hard rocking, more acoustic.

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Here is a poor picture of the Zutons, My camara doesn't do a good job with the stage lighting.

By now we were all heavily anticipating MUSE's arrival. Here follows a montage of the guy's reactions (including my own).

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Matt was very exited for example.

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As was Rob

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Chris was thinking about swans at the same time as anticipating MUSE so there was no helping him.

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Tom here is single so all you ladies out there who are interested, (must go to a good home before christmas or he will be put down)

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Itsa great says Rob

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Well what can I say I was rather over exited.

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Rob and Chris Insult JAPENESE STYLE!!!! (RIGHT UP THE EYE!!!!!)

Finally MUSE arrived on the scene and played what I feel was the best opener they could have done HYSTERIA!!! They then played these songs (no particular order some may not be there because I can't rememeber them)
Butterflies and Hurricanes (yes they did the piano solo)
New Born
A new one I've never heard
Sing for Absolution
Citizen Erased
Dead star
Thoughts of a dying atheist
Micro cuts
Muscle Museum
Ruled by secrecy
The small print
Plug in baby
Time is Running out
and Finally STOCKHOLM SYNDROME!!! (some lucky bastard got Matt Bellemy's guitar because he threw it into the crowd at the end)
here are some very poor pics of MUSE performing.

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Here they are perfoming Hysteria I think (on the screen you can vaguely make out Matt Bellemy)

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Easily the best Picture I got. (Matt Bellemy on the screen again)

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Well I can't say what exactly is going on here

Sadly it was over too quickly (even though it had been about a 2 hour long performance) We made our way deaf, hoarse and knackered although still hyper) throught the floods of MUSE fans and T-shirt sellers to head back to Victoria. Unfortunatly we got on the wrong Tube and ended up at High Street Kensington. After some argument as to where to go next we eventually got a Tube to Victoria. We were in time to catch the last Train back to Bromley South by quite a margin.

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One more group Pic for the road.

After this Nick left us as he had to go to work in the Morning, Rob O went home as he was also tired and Me and the others headed back to Chris's house. I stayed till about 2.50 in the morning and went home. It had been quite a night, it was hard to believe that I had been at work all day too.

Here are some other random pictures from the life of Dave

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For those of you who remember Power Rangers (It was all the rage in year two) I managed to find my old delux Megazord Set and here are the Zords.

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And HERE IS THE MEGAZORD!!! MUAHAHA! If only someone had the Dragonzord.

Well Thats all for today but still there be a Trip to London tommorow so expect more tommorow
Peace Out players!


Dauve said…
A megazord!!! Ah, those were tha days... :)

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