Thought for the time being - Why is Heather Mills still here?

Good Afternoon,

Just as a little pre-amble, I have decided to revive my blog. Why? Well because, you know it’s something to do and it helps with my writing. It’s going to be more of the same really a few details about my life, with a little bit of social commentary on current affairs. Some of consequence and others of none, but not everything in life needs to be of consequence after all.

Just to fill in what’s been happening with me (if anyone reads this to find out how I’m doing then thank you, we should go out for a pint sometime), I’m still at Uni and living with 4 out of the 8 people I lived with last year. My course has been good if a little bit difficult in certain moments. Although I get the impression some lecturers mark harshly on purpose in the second year to scare us, as everyone seems to be getting lower marks. Nothing much else has happened really, although I am becoming slightly spiritual in a Buddhist sense and I also am now a radio producer for a nice little show which I like to think combines banter with a little bit of cultural knowledge (as I said, I like to think that).

Well now that’s done lets get on with the matter at hand, Heather Mills-McCartney (aka Lady Mucca, Long John Silver, Golddigger etc). I don’t really like to get involved in such bitchy hate campaigns normally, but this whole thing has become ridiculous. Especially as I may end up in the PR industry, I find her displays quite frankly embarrassing and if she is being represented by a company, then people need to stay away from them like Northern Rock’s directors from the company accounts.

Now I know that divorces are hard for people and that money is often an issue. However, when the amounts of money talked about (something like £120 million) are presented as essential for living, then I have a hard time taking that seriously. As Mill’s said herself, about the way this may impact on her daughter Beatrice:

“Beatrice only gets £35,000 a year - so obviously she's meant to travel B class while her father travels A class"

Now let’s just make one thing clear! This toddler is earning £35,000 a year, which is more than some people will earn a year this year, a good £15,000 or so more than I expect to earn when I find employment. It doesn’t matter who her dad is (and to be fair to Sir Paul, I expect that he will probably end up spending more on her than that, I mean she’s probably going to get a yacht for Christmas this year or something) that’s a lot of money for an infant. I used to get £1 pocket money a week when I was her age and I though that was enough for me.

Also what a horrific thought, that poor little Beatrice won’t be able to travel first class anymore on her flights. I mean, perish the thought she may have to travel economy with the normals, eat the bad plane food, and have a sub-par in flight film. What next luxury will be taken from this poor little mite according to ‘Ms Mills’:

  • She may only be able to afford one horse for her stables this year
  • She’ll only a get one Mercedes sports car for her birthday one year
  • She can’t hire out the Ritz for her birthday party, and will have to make do with the Dorchester
  • She can’t have Caviar for breakfast everyday except weekends.

How anyone can live in such squalor boggles the mind….

Of course I was being sarcastic, but if that doesn’t suggest that Mills is a gold digger, then I don’t think anything will. I mean when you have £24 million pounds you are set for life and that is that. The fact that she wanted 100 times that amount says that this is about greed rather than her daughter welfare and a mother using her daughter in that way is hideous.

Also to come out and assume that people will feel that she has been hard done by, in the result of this case, is naïve bordering insanity.

Well rant over anyway


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