Fast Times at LPBS
Its been HECTIC lately what with exams and other things going on. This will be a proper post with pictures and what not so rest assured it will contain the usual amount of sarcasm bitter cynacism and stuff. Just a short point to any twats who insult blogging. OUR NUMBERS INCREASE DAILY THANKS TO THE HELP OF MSN BLOG ACCOUNTS! Anyways whats so bad about doing this once in a while its not like I do it everyday! Anyways people are often stupid so fuck those who mock to hell. Anyway to set the ball rolling here are a few random piccatures: I found this random scarepixie at youthclub. Why it has a beak I don't know Chapman Scared Matt onto the roof one day with his eeevily squeaky voice he can do. Nicks love of sausages became more apparant Someone left a SNES lying around after fly tipping a load of stuff outside the girls school Anyways to begin the fun this story begins with the GENERAL STUDIES exams two weeks ago. Oh what a fun beginning to a fun week. The exam was 2 and half hours ...