Many Happy Returns?
Returning home from uni, after three years of tooing and froing between Cardiff, is a bit of a bewildering experience. The town I left seems to have become even quieter than I ever remember it being. This isn't a totally bad change as the chavs who used to wander the streets pretending like they were in the Detroit ghettos or from broken homes (when in reality they lived in rather nice suburben semi's with quite nice, well to do parents)seem to have upped sticks and gone. Just vanished! I have no idea what's become of them, and I hazard a guess they might have in a misguided move actually moved to Detroit or LA to live their dream properly. Maybe they have destroyed each other through gang warfare? Or more likely they have just matured and moved on from that phase. I have also noticed a more pronounced lack of the elderly. They used to appear in droves during the daytime hours, before disappearing around mid-afternoon not to be seen again and until the next day. These peopl...