
Showing posts from 2019

I’ll give you my milkshake when you pry it out of my cold dead hands

I’m pretty sure editors and sub-editors everywhere rubbed their hands in glee at the news that a McDonald's in Edinburgh close to a location where Nigel Farage was giving a speech had effectively banned milkshakes . There’s no doubt, it’s a story that gets people’s attention and eyeballs on newspapers. And the social shares, just imagine the social shares. Naturally, as with anything nowadays, the discussion on the “weaponised Milkshake ban” polarised straight away into two camps and was seized for political purposes.  The far-right's was for me the most interesting with its  screeching about political violence. Let me explain a little about why that caught my attention. Why do those people I keep trying to destroy keep doing mean things to me? The right’s reaction has interested me as it smacks of phoney martyrdom. One commentator calling it political violence was one of the alt-right's loudest contrarians Paul Joseph Watson, who  made this statement whilst bla...

5 things to know about Dry January and why it's the best and worst thing ever

Dry January is something people do at this time of year. It primarily exists as a reaction to the heavy drinking of Christmas and New Year and the fact that lots of people like to try and start the new year with a healthier perspective in mind. Whilst some people join a gym or start crazily prohibitive diet plans to lose weight, some people just stop drinking; for a bit. This year I was one of them. Statistically speaking most New Year's resolutions fail between February  and March. No matter whether it's in the UK or the USA  we mostly just run out of willpower in about 3 months. With that in mind 30 days is an achievable goal almost anyone can manage. I felt up to the challenge of this. However, 30 days without alcohol doesn't seem like much but it is a surprisingly long stint when living it. I don't consider myself an alcoholic by any means. I don't tend to drink by myself at home or holiday and it's normally confined to social occasions at weekends (wi...