When does a permenant needled in drawing in your skin seem a good idea?
I’m going to talk today about something which is a particular pet peeve of mine. It is a Tattoos. I absolutely despise the things, and often recoil on viewing them. The sad fact of life being the bitch that it is is that more and more people are getting them. Indeed it seems that trend-setting celebrities, and relaxing standards of acceptance (not all a bad thing although in this case I find it personally a problem) means that all the kids are getting them now. Perhaps I wouldn’t mind them so much, who knows I may have even got one myself, if it wasn’t for the fact they were permanent. That isn’t to say of course they aren’t removable but that requires considerable cost, and it sounds quite painful. The permanence of a tattoo just leads me to accuse people with them of ruining their bodies. I suppose the key word in that sentence though is “their”, as their body is theirs to do what they want with, but for some reason it always seems like there is a naivety involved in the decision to ...